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Sunday 13 April 2014

3 Super Important Things that All Job Seekers Should Know

Quality Trumps Quantity 

 It seems that everyone has a friend of a friend who scrupulously applied online to over 300 jobs, tracked them all in a spreadsheet, and only heard back from a few employers. Unfortunately, this isn't an uncommon occurrence, but the solution is straightforward: quality trumps quantity. After all, your time is money, so be discriminating about where you apply.

It's okay to take a few risks now and then, but limit the number of "reach" jobs you apply for. Instead, focus your energy on writing personalized cover letters, targeted resumes, and sending them out to companies hiring for position that you are qualified for. The closer a match, the better your chances of getting hired.

Personalize to Perfection 

 The majority of recruiters won't even look at your resume if your cover letter is vague and generalized, so be as specific as possible with your job application. Write a personalized cover letter, and if possible, avoid the "To whom it may concern" opening and find the name of a recruiter, hiring manager, or human resources director at the organization you're applying to.

This can be a key way to fast-track your application. Browsing LinkedIn is a useful way of identifying employees in a company. If you're applying for different types of positions, create targeted resumes to match, highlighting the employment history that is most relevant to the job that you're after.

 Optimize Your Online Persona 

What will your potential employer see when they Google your name? Hopefully, it's your LinkedIn, personal webpage, or online portfolio that comes up. Before you start your job search, do a "cyber cleanse" protecting your privacy settings on Facebook, Instagram, or any other social media accounts you might not want an interviewer to see.

Do a thorough check to make sure you are using social media correctly in your job search. Then, update your LinkedIn, or Google Plus profile, with your latest employment information.


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